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Admission Policy

Ullens School does not discriminate against students on the basis of race, color, cognitive ability or religion, or because of national or ethnic origin.

It follows a transparent and inclusive admission policy. We strive to maintain a high level of diversity. A student’s financial background, family occupation, gender balance in each classroom and ethnicity are areas taken into consideration.

Ullens School follows a transparent and inclusive admission policy.
  • We maintain a high level of economic, ethnic and occupational diversity of parents; and a gender balance in classrooms.
  • Priorities are given to Ullens Kindergarten graduates, siblings of existing Ullens School students, children of the Ullens community (staff, board and the SMC), children who are already on the waiting list for various grade levels.
  • Priority is given to the children of civil society leaders so that we may honor their contributions to society.
  • Priorities are given to children of citizens of Nepal or a foreign returnee.
  • After accounting for priority seats, Ullens School accepts students from as many schools as possible to maintain its diversity.

Scholarship Policy

Ullens School is a non-profit institution; therefore surplus earnings are used to provide scholarships for children who cannot afford tuition fees. Twenty percent of our students benefit from our scholarship program. The Scholarship Committee examines all applications to determine whether the applicant is eligible for a scholarship. The Committee’s recommendations are submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval.