Launch of Ullens Center for Educator Development (UCED)

Ullens Education Foundation (UEF) is proud to announce the launch of the Ullens Center for
Educator Development (UCED) following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) between UEF and Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSOED) that took place
on October 27, 2021.
The MoU was signed by Prof. Dr. Bal Chandra Luitel from KUSOED, and by Dr. Arnico Panday,
Chief Executive Officer from UEF, at KUSOED premises in Hattiban, Lalitpur. The MoU marks
the beginning of a formal partnership between the two institutions to train teachers for the 21 st
century classrooms and school leaders for the 21 st century. It underscores the need to prepare
competent progressive educators who are contextually engaged, innovative, and impact-driven
in their outlook. Additionally, for purposes of executing the partnership, the MoU puts into effect
a five-membered Steering Committee chaired by Prof. Dr. Bal Chandra Luitel, Dean, KUSOED,
and co-chaired by Mr. Medin Bahadur Lamichhane, Principal, Ullens School and Chief
Academic Officer, UEF. As the next step, the two institutions plan to launch several short-term
training programs for school teachers and education leaders within the coming months.
During the event, several distinguished individuals from academia and the education sector
shared their thoughts regarding the partnership. Prof. Dr. Bhola Thapa, Vice-Chancellor of
Kathmandu University, highlighted the importance of the collaboration between two leading
institutions in bringing about transformation in the school education system in Nepal. Prof. Dr.
Bal Chandra Luitel, Dean of Kathmandu University, School of Education, emphasized the
importance of training teachers as well as highlighted the need of a teacher’s role in preparing
capable citizens for the 21 st century. Similarly, Mr. Som Paneru, President of Ullens Education
Foundation, expressed his valuable opinion on progressive education and its various elements
including critical thinking, having an inquisitive mindset, learner centric teaching, and justice
based education. Several other renowned individuals from the field also graced the occasion,
including Prof. Laxman Gnawali, Associate Dean, KUSOED; Prof. Mahesh Nath Parajuli,
Former Dean, KUSOED; Associate Prof. Ekku Maya Pun, Acting Dean, KUSOA; Dr. Binod
Pant, Assistant Professor, KUSOED; Dr. Dhanapati Subedi, Assistant Professor, KUSOED; Dr.
Uddhab Pyakurel, Associate Director, Global Engagement Division, Office of the Vice-
Chancellor, Kathmandu University; Mr. Medin Bahadur Lamichhane, Principal, Ullens School
and Chief Academic Officer, UEF; and Ms. Ekta Rana, Vice Principal, Academics, Ullens
Via this partnership, the two institutions primarily aim to offer high-quality pre-service and in-
service teacher education and training to 21 st century educators. Simultaneously, the
partnership also intends to train a new generation of educators to meet the teaching and
learning needs of the country and to support the national goals of education. The partnership
will not only focus on research in education to explore and nurture innovations in teaching and
learning practices, but will also aim to contribute to policy-level changes and evidence-based
decision-making by collaborating with government and public agencies.
Both parties hope that the collaboration between a leading university dedicated to research in
education and a well-known school with a reputed track record in implementing progressive
education will bring forth a lot of opportunities for teachers, educators, schools, and other stakeholders. UEF looks forward to working in cohesion with KUSOED to redefine progressive
education through the Ullens Center for Educator Development (UCED).