School Management Committee
The School Management Committee provides strategic support and guidance to the School in order to ensure the quality of education and outcomes. The structure of the SMC has a Chairperson, the Principal is the Member Secretary, 2 parents of the school become parent representatives, along with one teacher representative and 1 local government representative and 1 local representative.

Dr. Arzu Rana Deuba
Dr. Niva Rajbhandary
Parent Representative
Mr. Babu Ram Bishwokarma
Parent Representative
Ms. Sarita Poudel
Municipality Representative
Mr. Baikuntha Raut
Local Government Representative
School Leadership Team
Ullens School hires the best teachers and staff members available. They are treated with respect and their ideas are valued. We train all our teachers in the Ullens approach to education.
Team Teaching
The team-teaching approach to education is an offshoot of the Bank Street philosophy. In the elementary grades (I–V), we have a grade teaching system. Each classroom has two instructors to teach core subjects resulting in a smaller student-teacher ratio. From grade six onwards, students move about the building to subject-specific classrooms and laboratories. Core subject teachers across the grades make a special effort to collaborate with teachers of other subjects and departments, such as physical education, art, music, drama and Mandarin, for a more integrated and holistic learning experience.
Teachers work with students five days a week. They work a sixth day each week developing lesson plans and attending in-school professional development workshops. They have weekly conferences with their supervisors and faculty meetings every two weeks. Teachers are regularly observed and coached.
Coordinators ensure that educational programs, processes and equipment are up to date. They guide teachers’ lesson planning, observe their performance and foster professional development. Coordinators and teachers are always available to meet with parents.
In-House Professional Development
A committee headed by the Principal and coordinated by the Senior School and Elementary School coordinator, as well as experienced teachers, makes up the Professional Development Committee, which plans and designs trainings and workshops for teachers throughout the year.
Professional development sessions are conducted regularly. These sessions are mandatory for all teachers. Each member of the professional development committee is specially qualified to handle different subject areas. They address pedagogical and strategic issues related to teaching, learning, and student and classroom management. Teachers engage as a group in problem solving for improved teaching and learning practices.
We also invite international experts to train teachers at the school. They work alongside the professional development committee to identify and overcome challenges.
Investing in capacity building
Ullens School works hard to identify trainings and workshops that will help our teachers create a better learning environment. In addition to in- house trainings, teachers are sent for workshops organized by local and international educational organizations. School leaders and coordinators are periodically sent to the Bank Street Graduate School of Education in New York, IB-certified trainings, and partner schools in the United States for special immersion training courses.